Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

Last night after tucking kids into bed, I realized our remaining beagle had flown the coop. It appears he escaped via an open garage door...but I did not discover this till a couple hours later.

I was out front frantically calling Spridle's name...when I saw eyes appearing in the front door windows. I hurriedly re-tucked 2 little Indians back into their own beds and then breathed a huge sigh of relief when our neighbor called to tell us Spridle had come to visit them.

I jumped into the truck and high-tailed it 1/4 of a mile down the road to retrieve said beagle, shaking my head in disbelief that I was leaving my kids in the house alone (and awake...Animesh was at the Spurs game...). I know it was only for a few minutes. But, STILL!

When I returned, I found Deven cuddled next to his big sister. Turns out our little tough guy needed Priya to love on him while I was gone. I was overcome with emotion.

Today is Wednesday, which meant riding day with Lovely Lisa. I have become addicted to this cycling thing. So! Much! Fun! This morning was no different.

While I waited for Lisa to arrive I shot a few of the great park where we meet every Wednesday morning.

Following our great 13 mile ride, I lolly-gagged my way back to Boerne and enjoyed a yummy chicken sandwich here. Can I just say that I love this little town we live in?

After picking up the 3 Little Indians from their respective educational establishments, we chilled out over some snow cones with friends.

It's shaping up to be a whirlwind weekend...Priya's Bike Rodeo at school on Friday (oh yeah, which I'm CO-CHAIRING!!!!), Deven's 5th birthday party Saturday, date night Sunday at the squeezing in some triathlon training here and there. Plus, the in-laws arrive tomorrow for 5 days!

Watch out---photograph overload is sure to ensue (wow, big word...hope I used it correctly!) next week!

And, I am seeing my life with so much more clarity these days...thanks to some truly amazing, honest, gifted friends. You know who you are. And, while I'm still working my way out of the muck...having you there makes the journey that much easier. Love you guys.

Happy weekend, ya'll!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

We're All In This Together

I have passed this river at least 3 or 4 times a week in the last 7 months...and every time I wished that I had remembered to bring my camera to capture the beauty and simplicity that is reflected in this stunning view. Finally, a few weeks ago, I remembered.

These ducks floating together remind me of this song:

"I'm made of're made of atoms,
And we're all in this together.
And, long division just doesn't matter
Cuz, we're all in this together."

I have had an amazing couple days. I've had so many Ah-HA! moments I cannot even tell you--with old friends and with friends I'm just getting to know. Some of these encounters were just minutes long. Some of these encounters lasted a couple hours (but could have clearly continued on for many more). Talking....really TALKING about ourselves, our lives, and what's real. Connecting as human beings. And, reminding me that we ARE in this together...maneuvering through this amazing journey called life.

And, thank goodness for long division REALLY not mattering. Because I was never very good at math.

Friday, April 25, 2008

This Little Light of Mine

This morning I had another swim session with Coach Christy. She rocks. Such a motivator and encourager. She pushes me gently (yet firmly) till I get it right. We're basically starting from scratch. Back to the basics. Breaking all of my bad swimming habits might seem like a daunting task for some, but Christy has a true gift...she is so confident in her OWN skills and abilities that she unconsciously (or maybe consciously) makes ME feel confident. I love that.

This morning after our lesson she told me to "be proud of what I had accomplished." She told me to continuously praise my achievements and believe in myself. I was so moved by this. How many women do you know who naturally and easily put themselves down or dismiss any kind of achievement as luck? How many women do you know who cannot take a compliment gracefully? How many women do you know who "downplay" their looks, abilities, achievements, accomplishments, or gifts because they do not want to appear too sure of themselves?

I am every single one of these women given the day, hour, or minute. In February I began a very painful, slow sifting that continues to this day...trying to find a healthy balance between obnoxious cockiness and graceful confidence. The balance is a delicate one and so very hard to achieve.

I've been drawn to photographing the sky lately...just can't get enough of the gorgeous silhouettes and bright sunlight peeking through billowy clouds. This powerful quote has been swirling inside my head for days now...most of you have probably seen it before, but I invite you to really, TRULY read it and adapt it as your own mantra.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our LIGHT, not our DARKNESS, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you NOT TO BE? You are a child of God."

"Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel unsure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone."

"As we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

This morning (and every day I see her) Christy let her light shine...thereby allowing me to do the same. It's contagious. If someone allows themselves to can't help but want to shine, too.

So, today I'm going to try hard to love on myself. To be proud of what I accomplished in the pool, as a mother, as a friend. I can't promise that I won't be down on myself about something tomorrow. But, today. TODAY. I am going to love me for ME. Today I am going to let my little light shine just a little brighter.

Who knows? Maybe someday it will become a habit.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Waaayyyyy Back Wednesday

Back in October--during our Disney trip--I came up with this saying whenever things would get a little hairy, stressful, or out of control. What is my clever ditty, you ask?

"It's all good in the 'hood."

In my naive mind I deemed myself truly clever in coining this phrase...good in the 'hood. It drove Animesh crazy. I guess the frequency in which I said it increased as our vacation wore on. Because things got crazier and kids (and parents) became more exhausted as the vacation wore on. Imgaine that.

Turns out my cute ditty is NOT so original. But, I was just as gleeful to discover a really cool chick proclaiming to blog-land in one of her posts that all was good in HER hood. I commented how I loved that she and I shared the same tastes in groovy phrases, and that really cool chick responded by sending me this cool SURPRISE!

Maile, I love it. And, after the initial eye-rolling and "Oh, boy," I think Animesh loves it, too.

Thank you. I will wear it with pride. On a daily basis. : )

Great minds think alike. :-)

Austin City Limits

My first ever girls weekend came and went way too quickly. I picked up Dawn on Friday afternoon and we high-tailed it outta San Antonio to meet Vanessa in Austin. She surprised us with these delectable treats when we got to the hotel. We had first tried them when Dawn and I flew to Dallas to see Vanessa in the hospital while she was incubating her beautiful twin boys. Friends, you haven't had a cupcake if you've never had one from here. They sell the mix at Williams-Sonoma. My opinion? They taste (and look) better from the actual bakery. At least when I make them.

Our first dinner out. I'm not sure why I look like a deer in the headlights.

Getting ready to spa. Facials, pedicures, and massages were heavenly.

After the spa we hit a new shopping spot...where great sales awaited us.

Celebrating our friendship on 6th street...

All ready for dinner in our respective "jewel-toned" tops. Still asking perfect strangers to take our pictures. This photographer worked at the Anthropologie...which is where we were when we decided to pose.

Our hotel was right on Town Lake, so Sunday morning Dawn and I took a walk. We watched some novice rowers enjoying the early morning. How cool is that to learn how to ROW?!

We also enjoyed some gorgeous scenery (love the yellow hose in the background)...

...and got to cross paths with "Jesus." I thanked him for stopping so I could take his picture. His response was, "No worries. Have a good one." Very with the times, don't you think?

On the way home Dawn and I stopped to grab some lunch here. Another meal spent in the great outdoors. I was reminded that we need to visit this quaint town more often.

So, here's a great big shout out to my high school peeps. Thanks for a super-fun weekend. And, here's to our 22 year friendship. I think we're like wine...we've gotten better with age.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Blog? What's a BLOG?

I am in complete awe about this blogging phenomenon. I'm sure most of our spouses who DON'T blog are in awe of it, it can sometimes consume us and lead us to computer-hogging till late hours in the night (even after we've moaned about how exhausted we are). I don't know about you, but I feel as if I've been given a huge blessing and opportunity to become better friends with those I normally would not have the chance to talk to on a regular I'm able to stay in touch with dear friends far, far I often learn new things about those friends I see I've "met" (in the internet sense) truly amazing, inspiring, and talented, positive people through I have found a medium where I can be gut-wrenchingly honest about my feelings, motherhood, and feeling low...and how we have become each other's little support system. Thank you, blog friends. Thank YOU!

I remember the first ever blog I was introduced to. I was training for the San Antonio Marathon back in the summer of 2004. Dawn and I joined this training group, and I was immediately psyched when I met the trainer, Tom Trevino. Happy, positive, upbeat...just the kind of person you need to motivate you. Anyway, his blog was highly entertaining, informative, and crack-me-up funny. Too bad his last entry was February of last year. Tom, where ARE you?

So, here's to the invention of the blog. May we all continue to use it in positive, uplifting ways. And, may we all fight off carpal tunnel syndrome for as long as possible. :-)

Off for my girls weekend away in a few hours. Cannot wait for a little bit of this and a little bit of that. We'll probably squeeze in some of this, too. I'm sure there will be pics to share (and some better left off of the net).

Enjoy the weekend.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

How terrible is it...

to have walked right past my car--TWICE in different parking lots--because I didn't recognize it after going through the car wash?

Just curious...

*TRAINING UPDATE* (because I feed off accountability):
13 mile bike ride yesterday
2.5 mile run today
swim lessons with my coach in the morning(the kids love that I'm taking swim lessons!)

3 weeks till the Rookie Triathlon!
7 weeks till the BIG ONE in Austin!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Random Tidbits

This past Thursday I left the 3 little Indians in the care of their daddy to go here to attend one of these. While I was waiting for my friend, Jeanne, to meet me at my neighborhood entrance, I had the rare opportunity to have some quiet time while enjoying my backyard view. Heavenly. Even in the overcast light.

As usual, the weekend was an amazing spiritual experience...even after having served on this type of retreat 6 different times. If you're interested...there's a ladies Walk in July. I'll be there. Just in case you want to see a familiar face. We would love to have you. You won't be sorry you went. Cross my heart.

And, if you think this kind of retreat is nothing but deep soul-searching and praying, well, you're mostly right. The rest of the time I spent cracking up to the point of crying (and nearly wetting my pants). Girlfriends, you know who you are. And, I value your friend Chip more than you know (inside joke).

On Thursday night (the same day I left)...Priya begged Daddy to pull her first loose tooth out. Daddy had strict instructions to take pictures and "tell" the tooth fairy where to leave the money if it were to happen. Daddy got an A+ for his efforts.

While Mommy is away...Daddy will still find a way to watch the Spurs on T.V. This is how he enticed the 3 little Indians to join him in cheering for our home town team.

Randomness from today:

*I witnessed a car accident just minutes after it happened. I passed by the wreck and spotted the trapped person inside the upside-down car. Another person was hysterical by the passenger side. My heart sank and I shed a few tears. I circled around and was preparing myself to offer what nursing knowledge I could, but 3 fire engines and an EMS truck arrived before me. I drove on and offered up a prayer instead.

*I listened to a lady actually belly-laugh really LOUDLY (multiple times) in Walgreens while reading the "funny" cards in the greeting card section. It made me go find which cards she found so hilarious. Oh, yeah. I found 'em.

*I am currently listening to my children crack themselves up in Priya's room...and Deven just told his baby brother that he will always take care of him. Ok. I must be doing SOMETHING right.

I am leaving town this weekend to go on my first ever girls weekend away with my BFF's from high school. I am basically living week to week...something going on every single weekend through June. Eek. But. It will get done. And, I've learned I need to scale down. And, say no. The summer will be a time to regroup, swim, swim some more, and RELAX. I promise.

Remind me of that when I blog in July and tell you how my summer has gotten out of control.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bikes, Bonding, & Benatar

I guess it's no secret that I've recently experienced a very low LOW recently. By the grace of God and some AMAZING life has changed and seems to be on the upswing now. The fingerprints of God surround me on a daily basis, and I'm trying so hard in this busy life to stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

A couple friends have asked what the turning point was. I told them nothing in particular...a few small things happened to put life into perspective for me. There was the opportunity to give our favorite Denny's waitress a Walmart gift card since she lost EVERYTHING (except her kids) in a recent house fire. Giving can feel really good. And make you so incredibly thankful for what you have.

There was the amazingly healing dinner I shared with a girlfriend last Thursday evening. Can I just say there is absolutely NOTHING like great girlfriends?!

And then there was just one of those days that flows so can't help but go to bed with a smile on your face. Last Wednesday I finally got on my brand new bike...and rode an 12 leisurely miles with two wonderful friends. Can I just tell you that this cycling stuff is ADDICTING? I was a little freaked out flying down Blanco Road with the cars whizzing by me at 70+ mph. But, once we turned onto a quiet country was much needed medicine for this worn out soul.

Somewhere along the way my gears got stuck, and I completely (and ungracefully) wiped out trying to get my clips out of the pedals. Even that wreck was healing...bruises and all.

After our ride we ate lunch and I picked up the kids from school, fed them, and had them in bed by 6:30. I even had an hour to relax before my guitar lesson.

When Richard pulled out Pat Benatar's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot," I groaned and rolled my eyes. After a few good laughs about how overplayed this song was back in the day, Richard convinced me to give it a try. And, with my cool new electric guitar and zebra strap...I felt slightly like the rock star I've always wanted to be.

And, with Trevor's new nickname for me, "Rock Star Mama," maybe I already am--at least in the eyes of the 3 Little Indians.

I have come to realize that it is up to ME to make myself happy and content in this life that often throws us curve balls. Attitude really is everything. I cannot depend on any person here on earth to fulfill me completely. So, I am trying to rely on my faith more and others less...because frankly, giving really IS better than receiving. And, I think I just may have something to offer this world...even if some days it's only a terrible rendition of a really old Benatar tune.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

3 Little Indians

"Having a child is to forever decide to have your heart go walking around outside your body."

Elizabeth Stone

Friday, April 4, 2008


It seems as if every song I hear on the radio lately has a special message just for me. George Strait sings about "seeing God today" and awakens my soul to the fact that, yes, God's fingerprints are everywhere...and there is so much joy to be found in this world. Brooks and Dunn remind me that there are so many tragedies and heartbreaks all over the world but that the hardships are hopefully a passing phase--and God really is in control. Both songs are on the play list if you'd like to check them out.

But, it's not a song that has touched me so deeply recently. Perhaps the most powerful message I've come across in the last month or so (but wasn't in a place to share it till now) is from a professor named Randy Pausch. Here's a question for ya...if you had only 6 months to live...could you change the world? Randy is. His unbelievable "Last Lecture" has impacted millions. You can view it here...and then watch your ABC station this Wednesday, April 9th at 10pm/9c to see his interview with Diane Sawyer.

None of us knows how long we have on this earth. My life could end today, tomorrow, next month, or 50 years from now. God tells us our time on earth is but a breath in the grand scheme of things. I guess the question I want to start asking myself at the end of the day is, "Did I fully live my life today as if it were my last? Was I a blessing to every single person I came in contact with?"

And, more than anything...I want to live my life more as a Tigger than an Eeyore.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Slowly But Surely

So. I am slowly but surely climbing my way out of this deep, dark pit that I fell into last month. It's not a complete accomplishment. But, I feel better than I did yesterday. Which isn't 100%. But it's marked improvement. That's all I can ask for.

I remembered that I had not shared any Easter wishes, pictures, or the like. So, here they an attempt not to get any further behind on things than I already am.

Two out of three Indians agreed to pose with their Mommy. The absentee child is 2 years old. Need I say more?

The egg hunt at church was fun to watch. Priya was with the "big" kids which made me sad. She's growing up way too quickly.

Trevor's usual assertiveness was not on display at the egg hunt. I think he collected 4 eggs.

On the contrary...Deven was a mad man on the playground. He couldn't collect those eggs fast enough. He wasn't about to stop and humor his mother while she took a cute posed photograph.

Year after's the same Easter the same dress...but the kids love her. I love how kids thrive on predictability and tradition.

Springtime has sprung. Easter has come and gone. At church Easter Sunday the kids let loose some of the butterflies that they had watched since the caterpillar stage. The symbolism was not lost since the word "transformation" is taking on a new meaning in my life. I think I'm still in the chrysalis stage...making small yet dramatic changes...uncovering new discoveries about myself...revealing strengths and mysteries I never knew I possessed...embracing those not-so-perfect qualities that make me ME.

Only God knows when this butterfly will finally take flight. I will try harder to wait patiently until the time comes. By the grace of God, it will happen soon.