Friday, April 18, 2008

Blog? What's a BLOG?

I am in complete awe about this blogging phenomenon. I'm sure most of our spouses who DON'T blog are in awe of it, it can sometimes consume us and lead us to computer-hogging till late hours in the night (even after we've moaned about how exhausted we are). I don't know about you, but I feel as if I've been given a huge blessing and opportunity to become better friends with those I normally would not have the chance to talk to on a regular I'm able to stay in touch with dear friends far, far I often learn new things about those friends I see I've "met" (in the internet sense) truly amazing, inspiring, and talented, positive people through I have found a medium where I can be gut-wrenchingly honest about my feelings, motherhood, and feeling low...and how we have become each other's little support system. Thank you, blog friends. Thank YOU!

I remember the first ever blog I was introduced to. I was training for the San Antonio Marathon back in the summer of 2004. Dawn and I joined this training group, and I was immediately psyched when I met the trainer, Tom Trevino. Happy, positive, upbeat...just the kind of person you need to motivate you. Anyway, his blog was highly entertaining, informative, and crack-me-up funny. Too bad his last entry was February of last year. Tom, where ARE you?

So, here's to the invention of the blog. May we all continue to use it in positive, uplifting ways. And, may we all fight off carpal tunnel syndrome for as long as possible. :-)

Off for my girls weekend away in a few hours. Cannot wait for a little bit of this and a little bit of that. We'll probably squeeze in some of this, too. I'm sure there will be pics to share (and some better left off of the net).

Enjoy the weekend.


Dawn said...

I miss tom too! He was so funny and a great writter. Cant wait for the weekend. Blogs have really taken over...

MamaMia said...

What a fun post!

I admit it...I'm addicted to blogging and reading blogs--thanks to you and your fun blog. I am glad I found this outlet to share everything on my mind or in my life.

Now, off you go. Have a fabulous weekend.

Shalet said...

Get off the computer already will ya?!! Enjoy your weekend!

Heather said...

Thanks for the link to my blog...that was so nice! I agree, what a great use of the internet, and how amazing that without it, we probably never would have "met". Such a neat way to journal, and be validated by other women who are living the same lives and going through the same things. Can't wait to see your pics from your girls' weekend!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

here here!

it is an amazing thing... i continue to be blown away at all the "love" & "realness" out there! all the beautiful people that we get to learn so much about... we would have otherwise never met! kind of crazy!

thank you! have an awesome weekend... you will! enjoy!

sojourner said...

Enjoy your time away! I need to find out how to do the "link" thing. Although, I've cut back on reading other peoples blogs because I think I've become an addict! Something I can't afford to be during finals - eeek!!!!

Dancing Queen said...

I could not agree with you more about the "blog world"! Maybe with your little "shout out", I may get a couple extra readers!! haha Thank you! That was so sweet!

I love being connected to all your "blog friends" and reading that no matter where we are, what we do, we are all doing the best we can for those we love & for ourselves and in that sense, as women & moms, we have SOOO much in common! WAY COOL!

Can't wait to hear about your fun weekend!

Anonymous said...

Well I already know whats going on in your life as you're a great friend of mine...BUT I love to read your blog cause you make me laugh, I get to see gorgeous pics of your darling kiddos and great hubby And to make me realize that I've found a true friend that is alot like me that I'll have for life!! Love ya!!

Simply Me... said...

I just started blogging in Feb, I can't even tell you how it's made my life greater!!!!!

come over sometime! Lanny...

Mendy said...

Glad to read that there is a pep back in your step!!! Keep up the spirit!!
