Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A, B, C and 1, 2, 3

Back to school and back to waking up early. Ugh. So early. It's only Tuesday and Deven is already exhibiting signs of sheer exhaustion. It's gonna take awhile til we're all accustomed to the routines and the schedules. But, so far so good. According to Priya and Deven...first and second grade are "awesome." Priya especially loves the class pet...Mr. Froggie. Yes, a real, live frog. And you get to feed the frog crickets if you have good behavior. Cool.

Not to be left out...Trevor squeezes in for a picture on the older kids' first day of school. He stays home with me Mondays and Fridays. And, boy, does he ever enjoy his "mommy" time. I hope he does. Because it's his last year of preschool. I'm gonna soak in every last moment we have to share together alone. He's so much fun to hang out with. As my dad would say...he's a real hoot.

Today was Trevor's first day of preschool. Not a tear. Not a moment of anxiety. He said he "loved" school. And his teachers. And his teachers said that in all their years of teaching they have never, ever had such a wonderful "first day of school" class.

Think it's gonna be a fabulous year.


Yvette said...

oh, so sweet! Sounds like they are all going to have fun! Gosh, they grow soooo fast!

Yvette said...

oh, love the "4" shirts!

sojourner said...

I'm on board with Yvette's comment (not me talking in the 3rd person): "They grow soooo fast!"

Heres to another fabulous year! (Clink) Salute!

Heather said...

That last picture is ADORABLE!

Gabe is in his last year of preschool, too. The first day of school for the big kids is tomorrow, which is Gabe's 5th birthday.

Here's to a great school year, for the both of us!