Friday, January 30, 2009

Walk to Emmaus

(photo taken by my dear friend, Kiley Athansiou, in Greece)

I've mentioned before how I am involved in a wonderful organization called the Walk to Emmaus. Simply is a spiritual retreat unlike any other. Lately I've been describing it as a real "spiritual shot in the arm" (ya know, to go back to my nursing roots...).

My first Walk (or "pilgrim Walk" as it is called) was in September of 1996...before I was even married. Since then I have been a part of many teams over the years...and each experience has served to deepen my relationship with God...not to mention how many incredible friends I've made along the way.

It's really a kind of impossibility to relay in a blog post how amazing these weekends can be, but I wanted to attempt to plant a seed for those of you who might be interested in attending one. I've been called by God to be the lay leader for a Women's Walk in March-- you only get one shot at it (again--nursing terminology--ha!), and I'm extremely excited. If you have ever considered it but something has always kept you from going, I would encourage you to pray about attending this one. And, if March is out of the question, then how about the Women's Walk in July? I would love to see my friends during the weekend in March, but that's not really what it's all about. It's about attending a Walk to Emmaus when God wants you to attend.

As the ole' saying goes....timing is everything.

What happens on a Walk to Emmaus? Laughing, eating, crying, reflecting, praying, eating, soul-searching, and more eating.

All denominations are invited.

And did I mention that we do a lot of eating?

Doesn't this sound like fun????

What's with the song on my playlist? ( I suggest you turn it up and get your groove on. G'head. I won't tell anyone). Well, I truly believe that we all have a light that shines inside. But, sometimes -- especially as women -- we feel that our light is snuffed out or merely a flicker as we burn the candle at both ends due to the circumstances of our incredibly busy lives. C' know the feeling. Feelings of inadequacy. Feelings of failure. Feelings of not being thin enough or pretty enough or stylish enough or a good enough wife/parent/sister/daughter/friend/whatever. Feelings of utter exhaustion because you give and give and give and feel like you're gettin' diddly squat in return.

Anyone relating? Maybe it's just me....

Well, it is my fervent prayer that those of us on Walk 100 in March will become reacquainted with our inner lights and exactly Who makes us SHINE. So that we can SHINE for others. Especially those closest to us. With whom we tend to be a little lax in our shining capacity.

Again...maybe that's just me.

So, I hope you'll consider joining us on what I know will be an amazing journey.

So far from the planning already has been.


Staci said...

i want to...i do...ive been meaning to for years.....

Anonymous said...

I am going to be sending many people to your blog to read this post. It is the perfect seed. It even prompted me to comment- no small task :)

Anonymous said...

I have wanted to do this for awhile...I'm scared...don't know why, but I am.

Laura said...

What a great blog entry and opportunity to bring folks to an amazing journey! Well done, chickie, well done! I'm praying for those who read this and have received the seed.

Love ya!

HiHoOhio said...

Great Post
Had that glass for you last night and I ate plenty for us was a fun party!

Anonymous said...

beautiful post. i've heard amazing things about the walk to emmaus. definitely a seed.