Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

Because I cannot say no to any empty volunteer slots at my children's school, I ended up working the 7:30-9:30am shift at the Book Fair in the library this morning. What a gift it was...because during that time the Book Fair was closed while the entire school attended a 30 minute Veteran's Day celebration.

It was one of the most emotional tributes ever...I cried the entire time. When the local high school Jr. ROTC raised the flags. When the sweet voices of the elementary school choir sang the National Anthem. When the beloved school librarian delivered the most beautiful rendition of "God Bless America." When I looked out at the sea of kids and saw them holding their hands over their hearts. Hearing them proudly (and loudly!) say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Veteran's Day is especially meaningful to me as the daughter of a (retired) Air Force Colonel. Both of my grandfathers served in the Armed Forces. I entered college with the intention of becoming an Air Force nurse...and my first year in school I proudly wore the blue uniform. We have countless friends and family who have served...proudly and tirelessly.

The speaker today, a retired Army Lt. Colonel, said that the symbol of freedom in the United States is not the cracked Liberty Bell as some may think. The symbol of freedom is any man or woman who wears or who has worn a military uniform. He encouraged the kids to thank those soldiers for their freedom.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Heather said...

Beautiful post.

What a blessing that you were able to be a part of that special celebration.

I would've cried, too.

sojourner said...

Bless them and Keep them

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

what a treat to be able to see all that sweetness at the school... little kids holding hands has to be one of my fav things!

when the flag goes up & the words begin... tears flow too!

Thank you Lord for such incredible men & women! we are SO blessed to have our freedom!

beautiful post!

Dancing Queen said...

i love how you show emotion & share it so well & so beautifully! we had a program at our kiddo's school this morning too & they were so excited...thank you for such a wonderful reminder & for your touching words...

HiHoOhio said...

And thank you thank you thank you for this post!