Saturday, September 6, 2008

Me and my Shadow

I suspected that when school started and I was left alone with Trevor on Mondays and Fridays, he would give me a run for my money. Trevor is constantly being entertained by his siblings, and I just assumed he would expect the same from me. He does, after all, have a history of being high maintenance in the entertainment department.

I couldn't have been more wrong. Or more pleasantly surprised.

Ya see, I've never really spent so much time with one of my children as a 3-year-old. Priya was just 18 months when Deven was born. Deven was only 2 when Trevor was born. I've almost always had at least 2 kids home...or, if I DID manage to have only one, they were pretty young and still in need of diaper changes and naps.

Let me tell ya, this 3-year-old stuff is fun.

Friday morning Trevor suggested we play outside in our jammies after Animesh took the older two to school. The temps were cool, the sun was peeking out from behind the trees, and, in Trevor's mind, it was the perfect time to ride a scooter. I must agree that it was, and I was so grateful Trevor persuaded me to leave the dirty dishes in the sink and to relish in some play time with him one-on-one.

Later, after my dr. appointment, we went to Target and then to lunch. Thankfully, he suggested Chilis and not McDonald's. He sat across from me in the booth as we shared chips and salsa, and we engaged in such interesting conversation I felt as if I couldn't get enough. The observations, viewpoints, and facial expressions offered by this young child never cease to amaze me. Plus, he's just so darn cute to look at.

Later, when we were driving to the school to pick the kids up, Trevor said to me from the back seat, "Mom, it was a fun day with just you and me."

Indeed it was, my sweet baby boy. Indeed it was.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more! I'm home alone with my 3 year old now too ;)

Shanan Strange said...

Oh, those are such special times! Makes me tear up just thinking about how much I miss those days. Every once in a while, my kids get a "Hookie Day" where they stay home and we have one-on-one time. Enjoy them, my friend! Time flies..

Heather said...

Gabe and I played hide n seek for an hour in the McDonalds playland that we had all to ourselves this week. He is missing his siblings, so this was a much-needed change of pace. Later that day, when we were headed upstairs for his nap, he said "You a good mommy". Made my heart melt.

Every child is special in their way, but these last babies of ours sure know how to melt your heart (and drive you a little crazy, but that's for another post/comment).

Had dinner tonight with Kipper and Catherine...check my blog later for some pics. Talked a bit about visiting Texas for the Walk...I'm so looking forward to it.

Have you finished The Book yet? What are you thinking about it?

HiHoOhio said...

Makes me almost, I said almost, want another....well maybe not. Tresure those moments because very soon one of Yours will be 10 Like Mine! WOW!

Dancing Queen said...

yep...we've been having some great convos over here too, now that big sister & brother aren't here to influence the topics of discussion! even just 2 weeks into it, i am treasuring our days together ALONE!

sojourner said...

"Just Me and My Mama" - as you may recall, 3 year olds have always been my favorite. This is when they really begin to learn how to socialize on their own. Unfortunately, I was never able to have Travis to myself because I cared for other children in my home in order to be a "stay at home mom." Enjoy your sweet three year old while you can!

Becky said...

It so nice when you can find those times alone with each of your children and ENJOY them. What sweet little beings we have been blessed with in our lives!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

sounds like a fun little shadow... and too cute to boot!

i love your shadow pic!

he is lucky to have this special time with you... many little treasured moments to come this year!

Anonymous said...

I still love new blog is back.....

I need your email again. Computer crashed and I have NO ADDRESS BOOK :o( proud of you

Anonymous said...

See, I do visit your blog every once in awhile. Kipper

MamaMia said...

This just warms my heart. How much fun.

How's Deven liking Kinder? Elle is really enjoying it. My stomach still has butterflies (a little bit) when I drop her off though.