Friday, May 2, 2008

Fascinating or Fossil?

Modern Art Museum
Modern Art Museum by

Ok. I'm cracking myself up. I should be preparing for Deven's prehistoric dino bash (that is in about 16 hours), but instead I'm amusing myself on the computer. Isn't this picture amusing? Click on it for a larger view.

When I think of museums I think of either fascinating exhibits or really old fossils. Wonder what these people might be thinking as they stare at me. Fascinating or fossil?

Maybe both?


Shalet said...

Definitely not a fossil! Gorgeous is more like it! Looks like a magazine cover!

Laura said...

What? Are you crazy? Oh my goodness--you're drop-dead gorgeous! But you don't need us to tell you that--you are a beautiful daughter of God!

Hmmm...this is the first time I've had an "identity" when posting on your blog...I set up an iGoogle home page...I guess it is true that Google now knows everything about me & what I do on the internet!

Anyway, love ya!
Laura (McCroskey, if you couldn't deduce by the identity)

Shalet said...

My race is on July 19th (thank goodness!). I'm going to need all the time between now and then and I'm only doing a sprint triathlon. I didn't swim today but did ride my bike - with a new pair of padded shorts. Oh my goodness did they help! I'm hoping to swim tomorrow (in between cooking, sewing and a baby shower). Wish me luck!

Heather said...

You are so way are you a fossil!

cute pic; good luck with Deven's dino bash today.

sojourner said...

Christians are all fossils because we carry the stratification of God's shaping around with us where ever we go. That is how we glorify God. that is how we become living testaments to the changing power of God. May we all be fascinating fossils to the world! Blemishes, scares, transformation, beauity and glory.

Am I the only one who wonders how in the world you were able to have your photo displayed in a museum???!!!???

Yvette said...

I agree with the others. Beautiful photo of you! You always have the neatest stuff on your blog! Thanks for always entertaining me. When did you have those photos done?

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

truly beautiful!
wow... that's what they are thinking!

what a great pic!