Saturday, May 17, 2008


It's early Saturday afternoon, and, yes, I am alone. Alone in a house that is usually alive with children laughing, crying, screaming, and lately, TATTLING on each other incessantly.

Does anyone else want to pull their hair out at all the tattling?!

Deep sigh. I am alone, and it is awesome.

I had the Strait Country XM Station (yes, all George...all the time!) blaring in the house right after the kids left with my dad. It was great while I finished the dishes, but then I remembered I needed to relish the quiet. Aside from Spridle snoring on the family room floor, it is exactly that. Quiet. Peaceful. Heaven.

My parents took the kids to a kids play and then to lunch. Not sure when they're returning, but I have accomplished what I wanted to without having to worry about child care. I ran 3 miles and biked 12...and I believe I cycled with a bit more attitude sporting my new "biker chick" jersey.

Time to grill my fish and make my salad so I can eat in peace before my precious angels arrive home...but I'll be ready for their giddy accounts of the play and for the run down on who ate what at lunch. The kids are truly blessed to have grandparents who are willing to brave an outing with their grand kids, and I am so grateful for the break while Animesh is out of town this weekend.

And, I don't take it personally when my parents tell me that being a grand parent is WAY more fun than being a parent. Well, not too personally, anyway.


Dancing Queen said...

It is SO GREAT to have a recharge every now & then...especially without needing to pay a sitter!!
Yea you!! And can you beat this ABSOLUTELY perfect weather?!? We just got back from a trip to the zoo and it was AWESOME!!

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

MamaMia said...

Super cool jersey--love it.

How I wish I had someone to take the kids while I worked out...I had my one day at the gym on Friday (ONE DAY!), but I got called to the nursery after 25 minutes to pick C. up because he was crying. She was a new girl. I'm still totally bummed and feeling like the biggest blob. Next time the nursery calls me, I'll be in tears begging them to let me have another 30 minutes.

Shalet said...

Awesome top! Add the swim in there and you are good to go!

Heather said...

What a great jersey! Love it! Thanks for the prayers for my mom...Monday morning at 10am is the official start time. Sometimes being a nurse, knowing all the possibilities, is NOT a good thing, but I try to put it in God's hands and not worry, knowing that He has a plan, and my worrying won't change that.
I can appreciate the quiet...I just woke up from working last night, and my house is full of silence. The kids are at Mamaw's house, playing cornhole and grilling out. Thank God for grandparents, that's all I can say!
Hang in there with the tattling..."this, too, will pass".

Laura said...

What an absolute treasure grandparents are! I am glad that you were able to get some down time for YOU. I am somewhat bummed that the boys won't be going to Kentucky to visit the grandparents this summer (getting too old for it), and I'm not at all guilty for feeling that way.

As always, I am in awe of your dedication to your marathon training, as well as your dedication to all things you do in life. Thanks for being someone who inspires those around her.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

the whole silence thing. I long for it, but also resist it. It's hard not to want to be constantly stimulated. Love your post. As usual, your honesty is disarming. You are awesome.

sojourner said...

Keep up the good work biker chick! The silence helps us to enjoy the energy.

DD said...

Love the bike shirt! Too cute

I did two sprint tri's last year, which wasn't HUGE but was really fun.

LOVE your blog design! Come visit me some time

Kellan said...

Sounds like you had a good time with no kids around - good for you!! Cute shirt!!

Take care and have a good evening! I love GEORGE!! See you - Kellan