Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Good Day

On mornings when Animesh isn't here, I'm always a tad more rushed and stressed. Usually he takes the Princess to school. But when he's working, I do the chauffeuring to the elementary school, kill about 40 minutes with the boys, and then deliver them to their respective preschool classes.

Today was a good day, though. I actually got everyone out of the house without having to hurry them. And, the best part of all? Before leaving I was able to FINISH 2 cups of HOT coffee. Rock on.

The boys take turns choosing where we spend our time before they go to school. Today it was the bakery. I know the teachers LOVE me for sugaring up my boys and then leaving them at school. The treats du jour promised to provide lots of hyperactivity, no doubt.

After boys were safely at school, it was time for my first lake swim. Thankfully, someone knew of this wonderful private property where her friends allowed us to visit for our practice. All I can say is...praise the Lord I avoided Boerne Lake and the resident alligator.

It was breathtakingly beautiful out there. I swam the 800 meters without drowning, which I consider to be a positive thing. All the girls did a great job.

Finally out of the water. We did it!!!!!!

Superstar swim coach Christy had no problems warming up to the sweet horses that roamed the property.

A Shetland Pony grazed right next to our cars.

Saying goodbye to the non-alligator infested lake...till tomorrow...when I return with another group of friends to swim our hearts out.

Now that I know I can feasibly swim the 1/2 mile distance...I'm feeling so much more excited about the upcoming race day.

In fact, I think Ms. Triathlon and I might get along just fine.


MamaMia said...

Yea for your first lake swim!! And double yea that you found a lake with no alligator!!

Beautiful horses.

sojourner said...

I got butterflies just thinking about swimming 1/2 mile in that lake, much less in the lake with an alligator. You have guts and grit!

Dancing Queen said...

we had a good day too...you'll have to check out my post for today...i send you my 'GOOD DAY' pendant charm that i wore today via cyberspace!! :)

you are gettin' too good w/that camera & the creative shots!!

Laura said...

Woo hoo! Well done, you! It's getting closer, but it sounds like you're ready to rule that triathlon!

Shalet said...

First I have to say I am thrilled to find out I'm not the only parent who lets their children have cookies for breakfast.

Second, what an awesome place to swim! How lucky are you to have access to that space.

Keep it up Mama, keep it up!

DD said...

haha!I cant WAIT to hear about your beach start. Seriously, it might be the first good beating you've ever gotten in your life. The best I can compare it to is this video. Checkit out. http://youtube.com/watch?v=U_6tOzt-nfM


carissa... brown eyed fox said...

AMAZING day indeed! i am in awe of your pics! those horses... the beautiful water... the donut! :)

AND kicking some bootie on the swim! Ms Triathlon... oh YES!