Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Way Back Wednesday (almost)

For those of you who can belt out the tune that goes with this groovy tee I found at Target...you rock. For those of you who are blankly staring at this picture with furrowed, confused brows--click here for a blast from the past. It's my theme song. For a good time call.

I'm posting this on Tuesday (voting) night because I know that tomorrow will bring no time for blogging. The last couple days have been filled with intense busyness and non-stop errand-running. The stress level is mounting considerably, and it's not because I'm worried who will win the Texas Primary tonight (although I'm very interested--this is going to be one heck of an election year).

The Indian is already out of town on business in San Francisco, and I'm flying out Thursday to meet him there for his birthday weekend. It's always hard to prepare for a trip, but it's especially all-consuming when I'm trying my darndest to make sure my kids have food in the house, clean clothes, prepared show-n-tell items, wrapped birthday presents to take to parties, etc. My parents are coming to care for the 3 little Indians, and, while they love their grandkids more than life itself, it won't be their mommy taking care of them. Yes, I have control issues. Especially with my littlest one pretty sick at the moment.

Pile on top of that PTO stuff to complete before I leave town, a doctor's appointment for Deven tomorrow, getting the dogs to the vet with their life-saving drugs, stock-piling the Indians' own allergy medicines, writing out explicit instructions per my mother's request...not to mention finishing my own laundry and actually packing a suitcase...well, you've got yourself one weary Honorary Indian.

So, if you're the praying kind, would you offer up a huge one for immense energy for my parents as they care for our babies? And, for our babies...that they would be safe and healthy? And, for me? That I would be able to relax and ENJOY?!


I hope to rejuvenate on the plane...just in time for a date with the Golden Gate Bridge Friday morning. And, a massage in the hotel spa Friday afternoon.

Hmmmm...I'm beginning to think all this stress will be worth it. I'll let you know.

Happy Hump Day!


Dawn said...

I am so jealous! GO, have fun and indulge yourself. Love the t-shirt and wish I was going with you.

MamaMia said...

Fun WBW post. Enjoy your trip!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

oh yes... 867530nieeeiiine! the love of Target!

just in your describing getting ready to leave... can so relate.
it is endless ALL that has to be done! you're a good mom.
i'll keep you in my thoughts & prayers today.

the relief of your bootie hitting the seat on the plane! awe! and just imagine the massage! hang in there!
be safe... have fun!

Shalet said...

Have a great time! We left our kids with my parents for two weeks last September. It was difficult to do but such a great respite!

And, thanks for the T-shirt photo. I will now be singing this song for the remainder of the day. Gaaah! Actually, I may have to boogie over to Target and see if they have that shirt up here. :o)

sojourner said...

Enjoy yourself for me as well....I turned down a trip to San Francisco because of school. So sad! Give the Indian a birthday hug and wish that the Lord will shine from his heart more than he can ever imagine in the coming year! (As I have said before.....I already see Jesus shining through his eyes!)

With much love and prayers

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! I can sing it at the top of my lungs.....what a classic and a great memory