Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I Love (Feb. 2nd edition)....

...this man.

I shot these last night as Animesh was doing one of the most romantic things he's ever done for me.

He was sorting Girl Scout cookies.

We've been married nearly 12 1/2 years. Roses are nice, but let's face it. Emptying the dishwasher, folding the laundry, making the kids' school lunches, and, yes, sorting Girl Scout cookies are now the way to my heart.

I kept shooting and shooting pics of him, and the flash was clearly annoying him after about 27 takes.

Yet he kept sorting. While I sipped wine and took pictures.

What a guy.


HipMomma said...

What a guy, yep. You two were made for each other.

Yvette said...

AWWWW! What a sweetheart! You are one lucky girl! I hope you got to eat some cookies too. I haven't had those for years. Yummy

sojourner said...

sweet beloved of yours! does he know you have these here?????? ron would kill me.........