Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Can See Clearly Now

Spring Break has come and gone. I'm ready for it to be over, frankly. It was cold and rainy for a better part of the week, and the gloominess was getting a little too much to bear. Don't get me wrong. We certainly needed the rain. And, I'm so grateful for the rain.

But, I'm a girl who needs her sunshine.

The rain has stopped (for now) and I can finally climb out of the drizzly, hazy fog I was in last week and merge into the normalcy and security that I call "a schedule!"

Man, I love schedules.

Don't get me wrong. It was fabulous to wake up whenever we wanted to. To stay in jammies all day long. To not look at the clock or worry about being anywhere. But, by day 3 of the break, the rain and COLD temps had arrived. We were housebound. And, we started to go a little stir crazy. Maybe me even more so than the kids.

Before it got chilly, the kids painted their pots and planted their seeds. It was SPRING BREAK after all...and their silly mommy thought that these seeds stood a chance of surviving after they were planted. Oops. Turns out I may have been wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. We had fun anyway.

Wednesday I MADE myself take them out and run some errands and visit the book store. We were starting to get antsy being inside the house.

Thursday and Friday is was just plain icky out. I couldn't motivate myself to do anything but stay in jammies till 4pm and plead with the 3 little Indians to entertain themselves.

So they used up an entire camera battery taking funny pictures of themselves. This one was my favorite.

I found time to hang these wonderfully fun prints over the break...courtesy of the lovely Kal. The kids absolutely love these new additions to our play room.

And, these gorgeous creations arrived courtesy of another talented "Friend and Blogger Whom I've Never Even Met." She made me cry with these hand-made creations of love....made especially for this.

Of course, "Mommy Guilt" was running rampant throughout me this week...the need for the kids to entertain themselves stems from the fact that the Walk to Emmaus God has called me to lead is now LESS. THAN. TWO. WEEKS. AWAY.

As they say in Texas...holy guacamole.

I was a busy beaver this week tending to teeny, tiny details of the weekend to come...both creatively and electronically via the computer. I'm beyond excited for what God has in store for us all beginning March 26th.

Today we spent most of the day at church and then at a farewell lunch/retirement program for our beloved pastor. While we've been at the church for nearly 3 years now...I only got to know the pastor in the last few months. Throughout the reception many, many family and friends professed their gratitude to him for touching their lives and influencing them in how to live the life as a child of God.

I bawled through both services...listening to his amazing sermon twice. His departure reminded me that no matter how long you know have the power to impact them. It may be negatively or positively...but you will impact every single person you come in contact with.

And, we must treat everyone we meet with love. The same love that Christ shows us.

Whether those people light up our lives or drive us absolutely bonkers.

It's a choice.

I don't know about you...but I want to be that person that shines brightly with the light of Christ and makes a person feel good to be around.

I'm not always that way. Ok. I'm not that way A LOT. I'm moody. Grumpy. Tired sometimes. Short-tempered. Yes, I'm definitely a work in progress. But, as the rain has cleared...I can see clearly now that this is definitely a goal to work towards with a little more diligence.


patty said...

i remember the day when mine were so little... sounds like a l o n g week! the flower pots are adorable and i love those prints, too. good luck with all that is before you. shine brightly!

Anonymous said...

i just love your blog. i come here to feel better. normal. (crazy-normal).
shine on!

Ashley said...

I'm ready for sun and spring, too! Love those prints!!!

HiHoOhio said...

Clearly now the rain is gone, all obststacles in our way.....sounds like you are your own obstacle friend.....let God lead the way from now till next Thursday. Prepare for the journey prayerfully and Let Go And Let God.
I love you. No Mommy guilt, you painted pots for goodness sake...I let the girls do those things somewhere else, it is too messy!!!!!!!!!!
Watch the seeds grow and enjoy the memory! God is So Good and He is working on you!

sojourner said...

such busy babies! they make me very tired....