Friday, August 8, 2008

Let the Games Begin!

Olympic Medal winners at NBC!

It's been a busy summer. I cannot believe it's almost over. The remainder of these lazy days of will be filled with me and the litlte Indians hangin' at the pool, me finishing this book (oooh, it's gettin' GOOD!), and all of us watching the Games. Cannot wait for the swimming (go Dara Torres and Michael Phelps!).

Oh, yeah, and the TRIATHLON events (which are actually 2 days after my second triathlon next Saturday)! I will watch with wonder and awe as those amazing athletes swim, bike, and run incredible Olympic distances. As for me...well...I'm not feeling as prepared as I was for my first triathlon back in June, but it will be fun nonetheless with my tri-buddy, Jeanne.

So, if I'm MIA around blogland for can always visit me for an updated medal count!


HiHoOhio said...

I know how to find you! I will be watching. Is the Damn 09 this weekend? Or is it something else?

MamaMia said...

Oh, I must have this widget!

Heather said...

And I felt exhausted after working a twelve hour day shift today. Just reading about your triathalon endeavors makes me tired :)

Keep us posted on your medals!

Shanan Strange said...

Love, Love, Love your Olympic tracker! We were glued to the opening ceremonies tonight. Just catching up with your life.. sorry I've been a bad blog-buddy lately.

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

i am rooting BIG for you!
you are truly amazing!
GO girlfriend!

woop woop & big blessings!