Friday, November 2, 2007


Ok, ok...I've had so many requests for Incredible Family pictures (via email...obviously more of you read this than the comment section reveals...) that I thought there would be no real harm in sharing them. I hope.

Here's where it all started...Halloween 2006...when Animesh and I became destined to dress up with the kids for as long as they'll let us.

Mr. & Mrs. Incredible, Violet, Dash (which is what Trevor called Deven up till about a month ago because Deven continued to wear his costume almost daily in the months following this Halloween), and Jacky-Jack (whose "fiery" personality--for those who have seen the movie--strongly resembles Trevor's).

I love Deven's exaggerated pose. You can tell he was newly potty-trained.

Um, you're laughing with us, not at us, right?

I should mention that just 5 days before this picture was taken Animesh had major surgery on his neck. He was kinda limited in what poses he could do, and he (against doctor's orders) took off his cervical collar for the shots. I've always said that medical professionals (well, mostly doctors) make the worst patients.


Dawn said...

oh my god. That is laugh out loud funny. Not just smile, or giggle, but loudly laughing, I need to scroll back and see again funny. Thank you , Thank you, Thank you. You made my day. Really, I think I might be able to think of this later and again laugh... I mean laugh with you, not at you :)

Do you mind if I foward this link to our 20 year reunion commiteee?

Honorary Indian said...

No, you may not forward this to our 20 year reunion committee because I am apparently ON that committee. Don't do it, girlfriend. Or I'll have to dig up a picture of you from high school with some really BIG permed hair. Pretty, but BIG! Bigger than mine.

Don't do it. Don't. :)