Saturday, August 25, 2007

Kindergarten--Here I Come!

I pretty much boo-hoo'd my way through kinder orientation last night...I cried when I met the teacher (wonderful), I cried as I listened to the principal (awesome), I cried when we saw Priya's chair with her name on it. But, our little (big) girl beamed from ear to ear the entire hour. I was (am) nervous about leaving her on Monday, but I have faith that her teacher will be just who Priya needs this year. I mean, who wouldn't love a teacher who reads "The Kissing Hand" to her class at their very first meeting?


Melody A. said...

Did she wear her backpack to orientation? Too cute!

Dawn said...

I am so glad you liked the teacher. I was worried. I keep meaning to call but dont want to take away from your family weekend time. I am off on Monday, so call me with your tears...