Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Jeepers Creepers

Scorpions: piece of cake. Grasshoppers: no problem. Ants: been there, done that. But these centipedes...I just can't seem to get used to 'em. Never mind that we find at least 3-5 a year in our house. It's a hazard of living in the country, but I will never become accustomed to the sight of these creepy crawlies. My skin crawls at the mere sight of one. Poor Priya found this one in her bathroom tonight. I predict a very uneasy night's sleep for her...and me.


Mommy's Cherish said...

Ewwwww.....awesome little creepy crawlies, or is that just the science teacher in me? haha! Thanks for sharing. Next time I catch a scorpion in the house (it is about due) I will share with you! You are right, being in the country does have some / not so great perks!

Melody A. said...

Yuuuuckk. Poor Priya.

Anonymous said...

I am now even more convinced that I will never live in TX country. Even the scorpion stories creep me out!