Saturday, July 5, 2008

Benefit of the Doubt

We partied hardy at our neighbor and friends' house yesterday...celebrating Independence Day with a big splash. Thanks, guys, for a great time.

The kids BEGGED us to put them to bed after a day of swimming, trampolining, and sand-boxing. Hopped in bed and tuned into the final swimming trials...just in time to see the awesome 41-year-old Dara Torres qualify for her FIFTH OLYMPIC TEAM! Totally awesome.

This morning as I ran 4 miles with my Marathon Mom group, I was feeling extra-inspired by Dara and what she has accomplished...earlier in her career and now in her 40s after having a beautiful baby girl.

When I got home after the run, my excitement was tainted by this story. Apparently, Dara's success is just too good to be true for some to believe. Accusations of drug use are flying. And, critics just can't fathom Dara's increased swim times--based on her age and other ridiculous reasons.

As an almost-40-year-old, I am offended. As a woman, I am offended. Why can't we just give this athlete the benefit of the doubt until there is actual proof she is using drugs? At 38, I can honestly tell you that I am in the best shape of my life. How is it not a possibility that Dara's physical abilities have not gotten better with age...just like a really good bottle of wine?

As a novice swimmer I want to be like her. As a chick with flabby triceps I want ARMS like her (check out the slide, she's got some biceps and shoulders on her). I think Dara is a true inspiration and role model for females of ALL ages.

So, you go girl. Don't let anyone bring you down. In fact, make this criticism fuel your fire.

And, if she IS found to be guilty of any drug usage, I'll be the first to admit that I'm wrong.

Till then, I'm gonna give Dara Torres--41 and swimmer extraordinaire--the benefit of the doubt. Which is something I believe everyone deserves.


Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous that you have a mom's running group! How did you find it? Maybe when we finally move I'll be able to find one too ;)

DD said...

Awww,. this is a bummer huh? We are so highly critical and judgemental in our society. We are like crabs in a big pot... as one begins to crawl out we all reach out and pull them back down. It's really a shame! :(

Heather said...

The negative is always easier for people to believe, don't you think?

I went over to your girlfriend's blog to see the party pics...I LOVE your new haircut! Why don't you have a picture of it on your blog, silly? It is too cute, and makes you look ten years younger! I LOVE it! (Can you tell?)

Your friend, CB, and I are getting together for some shopping and good Mexican food this Thursday...want to come along? :)

HiHoOhio said...

I would pay bigtime for her abs!

sojourner said...

I struggle with the realities in this world that drive precious people to a place where they believe they need to take drugs or go outside themselves to find wholeness...makes my soul weep!

Anonymous said...

Jen you TOTALLY inspire me as always.....and the new cut is fabulous!!! I am so proud of you in your physical fitness journey and at the same time I am envious but you also remind me that it is never too late. You GO GIRL!!!! Hope to see ya at Vienne's.