Sunday, September 2, 2007

Buyer Beware

We visited the Kendall County Fair today...or as Animesh called it, the "most-expensive-fair-he's-ever-been-to." But, the kids had a wonderful time--animals, rides, food, oh, my!

All aboard! The only ride Animesh could go on without getting sick.

Who says kids don't climb trees anymore?

Yes, Trevor chose the "pete" (pink) car...what a ball he had.

The longest corn dogs I've ever seen in my life. Deven opted for the shrimp-on-a-stick...which was 10% meat and 90% breading.

Deven fed the Alpacas grapes. Wasn't enough to get Deven to try them, though.

Priya gives "Champ" a good luck pat before the Livestock Show.

Deven kept us from getting rained on by keeping his new dinosaur umbrella open.

Our cute little biker boys.


Melody A. said...

Adorable! Love the biker picture. You should start doing Picture This. Those are all right up everyone's alley. You'll get tons of comments.

Anonymous said...

Love the biker pic too!! The corndogs tasted so good too, but paid later!!! Kids look like they had so much fun!