Friday, May 14, 2010


Eight and a half years ago my life changed forever....because eight and a half years ago I became a mom.

No one really prepares you for motherhood. Sure, people tried to prepare me. There were the overly generous baby showers thrown in honor of each of my three children. There were the helpful books suggested to me for captivating reading. There were the well-intended tidbits of parenting advice offered here and there.

But no one and no thing can ever truly prepare you for motherhood. For some it begins with feeling that life growing inside their body. For others the child joins their family when another mom has made the difficult decision to let that child go. Either way, no matter what conversations may have been had previously, I don't believe any woman can fully comprehend the vast range of emotions, the intense level of protectiveness, the unbelievable extent of exhaustion, or the unimaginable depth of love that encompasses motherhood.

But there is nothing more precious to me here on earth than these children.

Hope your Mother's Day was as special as mine was.


Quirky Mess said...

Hey friend! Man, you've been blogging a lot!

Talk to you soon!
Much love!!!

Heather said...

Beautiful post, Jennifer!

Motherhood is the best thing I have ever done, and I thank God every day for the chance to be a mom.

Love that photo!